We deliver the solutions that drive your business forward.

Contract / Temporary staffing solutions at Apex Placement Consultancy are customized to meet specific client needs. Short-term projects require highly specialized skills and benefit from an infusion of the latest technical abilities. We draw on our research and profiling instruments to recruit and retain top-level contractors for organizations with rapidly changing IT & Non-IT staffing needs.
For those companies seeking to access talent and tweak their workforce as per their cyclical needs, Apex Placement Consultancy offers flexible, effective and short/long-term contract staffing solutions. With the help of core, well executed recruitment processes, we have access to an extensive database of skilled contractual workers available at affordable pricing. If your projects need immediate resources, count on us for quality, quick time line, with no employee-related costs.
In todays business environment, companies rely on a variety of staffing solutions to meet their organizations growing departmental needs. Cyclical growth spurts often require specialized external resources to partner with existing staff. As a client of Apex Placement Consultancy, you have the ability to contract a wide range of professionals and take advantage of the many benefits a contract staffing solution offers.

Most of our recruiters come from the industry in which they recruit. Working within one of the world’s largest networks and armed with our proven, high-touch Accelerated Recruitment approach, they quickly deliver experienced talent ready to make an immediate impact on your business.
Whatever your immediate need, we’ve got the ability and capacity to take on the challenge. We have access to highly-skilled professionals from a broad spectrum of disciplines IT, accounting & finance, life sciences, engineering, legal, construction and just about any industry niche you can name. Have a complex or multiple staffing need? We can assemble an entire teams to tackle the assignment.
Our Apex Placement Consultancyrecruiters undergo one of the toughest hiring processes in the business: Us. The people we hire make it their business to present you with the best talent and service on the planet. Supported by the world’s largest network of search and recruitment specialists, each one is prepared to deliver the right staffing solutions when you need them for as long as you need them.
We welcome the opportunity to explain how Apex Placement Consultancy contract staffing services operate and to demonstrate how we customize a solution to meet your specific needs. We use various innovative ways to search professionals who are willing to work on contract and take task based assignments. Contract Staffing is generally different than Temporary Staffing and require proper understanding of role for individual resource. We make a proper match for the Job Profile and ensure the candidate is willing to deliver the desired result in the stipulated time frame of the project. Our Contract Staffing service can be with or without taking delivery responsibility depending on the skill set and customer requirement. Contract Staffing is opted by customers in peak load periods of their business or when companies are in the phase of expansion. Contract staffing is also done for the projects which don’t require skills of permanent nature or resources performing non-core functions. Companies get following benefits for opting Contract Staffing:
  • Reduction in Internal Administrative overheads
  • Reduction in time-frame to hire such resources
  • Reduction in Permanent Liabilities of resources and subsequent costs incurred in future development.
  • Flexibility in duration of contract
  • Flexibility in Compensation Structure of the resource

Internationally, companies are hiring 65% of their staff and especially non-core staff on Contract staffing basis only. In India also the trend is changing and various roles which are professional are now hired only through Contract Staffing model.
Please feel free to discuss the requirements in Contract Staffing and provide opportunity to explain the benefits of such process.